Thursday, August 2, 2018

Hacking of Computerized Votes, and other things

Washington State is one of few states that has mail-in paper ballots - can't be Hacked!

Having everything in the "cloud" may be great for some things, but we have seen so many issues of hacking, and it seems to be getting worse, that the perhaps it is time to re-think certain issues.

This morning on NPR, there was a short segment about GPS and clocks, how we are so dependent on GPS for everything (more than just finding your way when driving!) that if the system that supports GPS were to be hacked, well, it sounded like "the END of the World"!!  Excuse me, but we have managed to survive throughout EONS of time without GPS, civilization as we used to know it would still go on, but certainly not as "we" have become accustomed to currently.

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