Sunday, August 4, 2019

August 4, 2019 Another Shooting

In less than 24 hours since my last post, another 9 innocent victims have been gunned down, this time in Dayton, Ohio ---- the mayor of Dayton, on NPR this morning, commented that her city was now the 250th city in our country to have had a MASS killing in just 2019!  Today is August 4, 2019 ---- how many more MASS killings will we hear about before the end of 2019?????????

Lindsey Graham finally came out from behind the skirts of Draft Dodger in Chief, and tweeted  

El Paso shooting is sick and senseless.

Time to do more than pray. Time to enact common-sense legislation in Congress to empower states to deal with those who present a danger to themselves and others — while respecting robust due process.

Nice of him to finally admit that it is time for Congress to act on this issue........  

What happened in El Paso is directly on the head of the President of the United States of America, his rhetoric has brought out the worst of our society, he then asks for God to be with the victims.........?????????

May GOD forgive our country for the lack of courage to stand up to this tyrant, may GOD forgive those who will say the 2nd amendment is more important than HUMAN LIVES taken by automatic weapons, may GOD forgive the complacency of our leaders in Congress who bow down to the NRA for money.

May GOD have Mercy on our SOULS!

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