Monday, February 3, 2020

JIRGA, a movie

Jirga, a movie.

Definition   jir·ga
  1. (in Afghanistan) a tribal council. A grand tribal council ( loya jirga ) has a legislative function in the country

This film is a very interesting, a unique view into what happens when an Australian soldier returns to Afghanistan for redemption for his part in the war.
Very little in dialogue, so one needs to just "follow" along on the journey.
The landscape is desolate, there are some areas that are beautiful (the lake scene being the only outstanding color).

According to the jacket cover on the DVD, and I quote
" Director Benjamin Gilmour and star Sam Smith filmed JIRGA under dangerous conditions close to Taliban and ISIS-controlled areas in Afghanistan, and worked with a cast of incredibly natural non-actors, including some who were former Taliban or Mujahedeen members themselves."

It is a very moving story. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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