Monday, March 2, 2020

The Ice King

We recently watched this documentary about John Curry, the first openly gay figure skater in Olympic history.

Growing up in England at a time when it was frowned upon by many for men to be ballet dancers, which was what John wanted to be originally, but told by his father NO!, John turned to ice skating, and the world of ice skating is a better place for that direction.

It is painful at times to watch, in retrospect knowing what we know now about HIV/AIDS epidemic and how it came to be...... 

Putting that aside, John was one of the most graceful skaters ever ----- we have been watching skating since the late 1960's, so we have seen a few.  None of the current skaters have the grace or finesse that John had.

One of the most beautiful skating moment in the film is when he skated with a lovely young woman to the music of "Afternoon of a Faun".


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