Thursday, June 18, 2020

Most Recent Movie List ---6-18-20

Movie night ----- once again, not in any order of viewing.  Once again, we viewed movies that we bought "years ago" and had never viewed. When our local Hollywood Video was closing, James could not resist going in and buying handfuls, when they were priced a $1 a piece.

Simone ---- Al Pacino plays a down and out Hollywood director, when a dying computer designer gives him a way back to the top.

First Daughter ---- Katie Holmes portrays the daughter of the President, just wants to drive off to college and be known for herself, well that ain't gonna happen.  Does give one a sense of what it must be like to live in a fishbowl.

Yesterday ---- what happens when the electricity world-wide goes off the grid for all of 12 seconds ---- the world never heard of THE BEATLES, and one musician starts playing his way into world wide fame with their music ----- wait for the ending! If you have watched this, but neglected to watch the out-takes and commentary, go back and watch, they are really worth the time.

The Three Amigos  --- Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short portray silent silver screen heroes, when invited to a small Mexican village to rid the evil bullies, they believe it is simply a comedy act ----- wait until the bullets start flying.   Steve Martin has once again proved his comedic timing, along with Martin Short.

Nobody's Fool   ---- NOT the Richard Russo adaption of his novel.   This came out in 1986, starring Eric Roberts and Rosanna Arquette, set in a small town in Colorado, where everyone knows that Cassie is just a bit strange, thrown over by the town's "great catch", meets Riley a backstage hand of a traveling Shakespeare group.  Eric and Rosanna were just at the beginning of their film careers.

Mama Mia the Movie------ Meryl Streep is top notch, as usual, in this adaption of ABBA's greatest hits....   If you love their music, you will be singing along with the movie.   The scenery ain't bad either -----

My Big Fat Greek Wedding ---  apples and oranges come together in this film.  

Big ---- Tom Hanks, what can I say?  One of my favorite actors ---- well, we do have the same birthday.  Love the lunch counter scene with his buddy eating the ice cream sundae, the trampoline scene is pretty good.   But the best most be when he wakes up the first morning and looks in the mirror!

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring---- one of Jim's finds that we had never watched before.   Korean.    Scenery is SPECTACULAR ---- story surrounds a Buddhist monastery that floats on a raft, with a solitary monk and his apprentice.  Each season is a progression of age for the apprentice.   There were several scenes with snakes (I hate snakes) that caused unease for me, however, they are necessary to the story

Starting Out in the Evening --- another of Jim's finds ---- starring Frank Langella, as an aging novelist who is traveling towards the end of his literary life, when Heather, an obnoxious graduate student, approaches him with the idea of "using" him and his work as her thesis.  She drove me crazy!   Lili Taylor portrays his daughter, you might recognize her from the movie Mystic Pizza, the hyper waitress at the pizza place....

Dream House ---- another of Jim's finds ----- starring Daniel Craig (pre-James Bond).  Leaves his prestigious high profile position in Manhattan, moves,with his wife and 2 young daughters,to a small town in New England.  The reception he receives is highly unusual, one begins to have moments of unseen things to come....   The ending certainly is heart-stopping....  


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