Friday, December 15, 2017

Last Cab to Darwin, an Australian film

We watched this film last night - at first we weren't sure, BUT WOW what a story.

Rex, cab driver in Broken Hill, is terminally ill with cancer. Dog his companion (don't worry it doesn't happen!) His across the street neighbor, Polly, is more than just a neighbor.  When he hears about a program to end the lives of terminally ill patients, he makes the decision to drive to Darwin (2,000 km away) to have Dr. Farmer assist him.  Along the way, he picks up Tilly, and they bump into Julie, a nurse from England.

Even with a "depressing" story line, this movie just shines through. This is a love story of a another kind. We were just riveted with the scenery, and the interaction of the characters.
With some great music along the way.

Rotten Tomatoes, "Tomatometer" gave it a 91%.  Some reviews call it a "comedy", and although there are comedic moments, it certainly would be more likely to be classified as a drama.

I do hope that you will give it a try - yes, there is the usual "f" bomb repeated, but, hey, this is Australia and it deals with death, so............

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