Saturday, February 15, 2020

Have you no sense of decency?

During the McCarthy "communism" hearings in 1950's, Joseph Nye Welch asked Senator Joseph McCarthy....
   "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"  

All these years later, we have a someone in government who needs to be asked that same question....   

I just read this tidbit this morning on CNN  (2-15-20)

(CNN)Michael Bloomberg is spending unprecedented gobs of his own many billions of dollars on his late entrance into the Democratic presidential primary. What's he getting for all that coin? How much can he spend under the law? And is this, as some liberals claim, a billionaire buying an American election?

On the other side, President Donald Trump is going to be hosting a fundraiser this weekend with the Republican National Committee near his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida with an entrance fee of more than half a million dollars per couple

I can take Bloomberg spending his own money ---- he earned it....   What I can't take is that there are idiots who will give DDIC $500,000 per couple to attend this event!

The piece on CNN is very informative and thoughtfully written, take a moment and read it.  

Bloomberg is spending his billions. Trump's hosting a pricey 2020 fundraiser. But is it legal?

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