Thursday, April 30, 2020

This bad old virus

Been off the air for several weeks, have no internet at home --- yes, I know, dinosaurs we are..........

We are well, doing things at home, and work related (library).

For over 30 years my husband and I have purchased countless VHS tapes, and DVDs - our DVD player was one of the last models to still have VHS capacity.  So in these troubling times we have been watching a movie every night --- he picks one, I pick one.   We have SO many movies that we will NEVER see the same one twice in OVER a year!  What is even more surprising, is that we have movies we have never watched, so we are having lots of "New and Exciting" movies.  Some were watched so long ago, that we don't even remember them!

Hope all is well with you and yours. 

Take care, stay strong and LISTEN TO THE SCIENTISTS AND MEDICAL EXPERTS!, not the yo-yo's in the WH.

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