Monday, January 3, 2011

"Blindside" a movie and book

"The Blindside" a movie.
Well, this one has become one of the favorites to watch when I am ironing in the morning before work. What can I say? It's nice to know that some people really are loving and "color blind", and care for what happens to other people.
I received the book for Christmas, but have not started it yet.

1 comment:

Amy Lama said...

The Blindside is a favorite in my house too. I haven't read the book yet either, though I have it checked out right now. I've been reading In A Heartbeat, which is written by Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, with also little "interludes" written by each of the children, as well as Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw. It's a lot of fun hearing their story before and after Michael from their own point of view.