Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Lion, a movie

Lion, a movie based on a true story.

We watched this over the weekend.

My husband really enjoyed this movie, more than any of the other Academy Award nominated movies we have watched so far, as did I.
At the end of the film there are are several "credits" about the story itself, as well as the fact that approximately "80,000 Indian children go missing every year, and are never found." This had a profound effect on both of us.

Sunny Pawar gives a powerful performance as the young Saroo - his eyes are incredible.
Dev Patel (one of my favorite actors) portrays Saroo as first a carefree college student, then a tormented young man trying to find his past.

I just kept thinking if he would just Google "butterflies, or valley of butterflies", he might have cut down on his search considerably, however, things don't always appear so easily to the person doing the search, or trying to recall memories.......

This movie is just well worth the time spent watching it. Hope you give it a try!

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