Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Extra Man, a film

We watched this the other evening.

I am a pushover when it comes to films with Kevin Kline - my favorite is Dave - so when this came through the circulation desk at the library, I put it on hold.

They are NOT gigolos, they are "gentlemen".

Henry Harrison "rents" a room to Louis Ives, who has lost his job at an upscale campus and has moved to NYC - down and out so to speak.  Henry is an eccentric "author" who grooms Louis in the duties of being an "extra man", a social escort to wealthy widows.

Henry can be highly irritating to everyone he encounters.  Louis is trying to "find" himself, so their "pairing" can be humorous at times.

Katie Holmes is in the film, anyone could have played her part better.

John C. Riley had to have taken voice lessons to come up with that voice!  Just listening to him was a HOOT!

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