Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Fall, a tv series

We just finished watching this series.

Whoa - it starts out with some gruesome murders, which we all see who is committing the crimes, so nothing is a surprise.

Gillian Anderson portrays Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson, Jamie Dornan portrays serial killer Paul/Peter Spector.

The cat and mouse game between the two that unfolds slowly.  This is a game that is both complex and very complicated.  Some scenes have virtually no dialogue at all.

The conclusion (18 episodes are the entire series) will literally "knock your socks off".

Realistic hospital procedure in the beginning of the 3rd season, had me covering my eyes frequently.  My husband was really impressed with the realism of these scenes.  

The worst of the gruesome scenes is during season 1, so if you can get through those, then you probably can get through the rest of the episodes.

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